March Newsletter


Words from President

As carnival is ending and March starts we dance and sing to say bye bye to winter and start spring with naginata events every weekend in Europe. I am sure that you are all happy to see the sunlight extend our day and our energy raising up.  As Netherlands and Germany are organizing open events this month and Belgium scheduling several demonstrations of naginata. I believe that all the other ENF members will follow. Don’t forget to send your schedule to our General Secretary. I wish to apologize to the people who receive late back payment from ENF. The treasurer had problems with the bank which are now solved.

Next Events

Technical Tips

In togetherness with the benefits of a sport, Naginata first of all is a Budo.

Every time we practice we work to improve our skills and with that ourselves.

If it is in training basic movements or paying attention to the etiquette so to make our mind stronger.

Everything needs to be done with the most care you are capable of at that moment.

If you notice in practice that you are just moving because it is what is expected, you don’t pay attention to improving yourself.

When that happens you should tell yourself:

“This next movement will be my best movement of this kind, it will be 101 percent of my previous best”

To actually try this with everything in practice, will surely speed your development.

Tomorrow you will be better than today!