September Newsletter 2017


Words from President

Dear ENF Members,

Here comes September and for most of us the end of summer holidays period and the start of work again. Lot of our federations will restart training with new members and it is a bit like a new year beginning for a lot of us. It is also the moment to promote naginata and I invite all of you to share pictures and flyers example to promote naginata. The ENF will soon send you all an example of flyers that you will be able to print and use easily to promote naginata. You will only have to translate it if necessary.

The European Naginata Seminar is approaching in November, in Netherlands, you will receive invitation in the coming days.

I wish you all a great return in your dojo to prepare the future,

Technical Tips

Whenever we practice, so many of us are bending or tilt their head down. We must always keep the advice in mind that a thin line is holding us from the top of our head and then keep our body high.

Make yourself tall, raise your chin, redress your head !