German Naginata Championship 2016 results

The German Naginata Championship 2016 took place this time in Mainz , organized by JGU Naginata group . This year’s rankings are :


# 1st : Dennis Hielscher und Andreas Nicol (Post SV Opladen)

# 2nd Platz: Martin Röthig und Ines Klose (PSV Mainz)

# 3th Platz: Ivan Kuzminski und Cornelia Izquierdo (Post SV Opladen)


# 1er Platz: Andreas Nicol (Post SV Opladen)

# 2er Platz: Dennis Hielscher (Post SV Opladen)

# 3er Platz: Michael Grunow (PSV Mainz)

 big thanks to the JGU group and the numerous helpers for a great and very well organized event . We are also very grateful for the extra had traveled from Belgium Shinpan and pleased that you have again guided us in our tournament .

David D’Hose,

Francois Dermine &

Laurence Dumonceau.