Newsletter January 2017


Words from President

Happy New Year 2017

This year was extremely worthwhile and stimulating for the European Naginata with the 25th anniversary celebration and the 10th European Championship. The following seminar was also a great success and I hope it has highly motivated you for the next twenty five years to come.

I would like to thank you all for your participation and more particularly congratulate the Belgian Federation for the excellent work they did. We all know that organizing such an event is not easy and all our little federations must share knowledge and help each other as much as possible in order to make such great events possible. Please let’s all make sure that the Netherlands and Germany, that will host the ENF and INF events soon, will receive all the help and answers they need from all of us.

I wish to meet you there,

Happy new year

Technical Tips

The red book is the handbook that contains most technical matters that you have to know until 3rd Dan. It has been translated from a Japanese redbook that you can see on this picture (but the translation is unfortunately uncompleted).  Over 3rd Dan the only place where you can refer now for reliable question is the new edition of the Naginata book of Alex Bennett.