by Emmanuel Dayre, picture selected by David D’hose from INF 1995 program
When the air we were used to
Got so deadly tough and rough
There was no place but a few
Where we didn’t fear to cough
So they locked us down
So scared we’d blow
They closed us down
And so was my dojo
I tried to reach my wooded ground
But they kept my past time away
So I thought and looked around
To live budo another way
As the rule set social distance
I felt a space between them and I
As I used to do when I got to fence
Fearless I was with uchi mai
Our hands came unwelcome
Carrying this thing evilly made
I learnt to survive touching no one
Like I did with a naginata blade
I walked my way on empty places
Where locked people had thrown their key
Streets were mine to take a chance
To freely train tai sabaki
My dojo was everywhere
And so Covid gave it a try
To strike me down right there
Shamely on a unfair shiai
I never stopped practicing
I always wore my bogu
Like a strong spirit protecting
From Viruses and foreign flew
My dojo is now everywhere
Bringing with me its energy
Like a vaccine to spare
Life threats before me